The word "pearl" in English language came from the French "perle" which, in turn, came from the Latin word "pernula" which means a "sea shell".
Pearls have been used in jewelry since antiquity. A pearl does not have to be polished or cut in order to give it luster which makes it the most convenient gemstone. For many centuries pearl oysters were collected by divers in many parts of the world. High quality natural pearls were very rare and commanded a high price.
As demand for more cheaper pearls grew, a process of producing cultured pearls was developed in the beginning of the 20th century. A tiny piece of shell or a bead was deposited into a living oyster which then was placed back into its natural habitat at an oyster farm. Pearls would form inside the shells over time, and it could take from 1 to 7 years depending on the species. Then pearls were harvested the same way it has been done for centuries.
In occult, pearl has been viewed as a symbol of true love, a talisman for a successful marriage and loving household. Pearl is believed to stabilize his owners nervous system and give him peace of mind. It will help his owner with public relations and intimate relationships. It will help businessmen to make right choices and make every business deal be profitable.
Story by Irina (Beautyland)
Translated by Alla (FleetingStillness)
such a luxury jewelry!
Beautiful jewelry!
Very beautiful!
amazing pearl finds! beautiful items!
Very pretty items, pearls are always so beautiful
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