- Please tell us a little bit about yourself
What can I tell about myself?
I'm 23, I have a young, ambitious and full of hope for a brighter future. :)
By education I am a psychologist, but psychology does not attract me as a profession.
I'm a self taught handmade artist trying to turn my favorite hobby into life style and profession.
I create unusual jewelry. But sometimes I move in the other direction. Spontaneously I can start making greeting cards or decorative items for the home. In short, I am a creative person and quite unpredictable even to myself. I guess that's my trick.
- How long have you been creating? How did your journey in art and creativity begin?
I loved to make things since I was small. As far as I can remember as a child I drew a lot, asked my grandmother taught me to embroider. Then I wanted to make clothes and I wanted to be a designer.
My path to the creation of jewelry was long. At some point I started to sew felt brooches.
After a while I realized that I like to make jewelry and I started trying different techniques and materials.
Now I’m fond of creating resin jewelry. I chose this material and technique because it allows me to create different things without limiting the imagination.
In future I want to try to use other materials and techniques.
-What is the most important about your work?
I can identify several aspects that are important to my business. This is a good mood, inspiration, and support of my family
In my work I like the fact that I’m the owner of business and can do what I want.
No doubt, it creates a good mood which I put in my work.
One of the most important events for my business was opening a Citrus Сat shop on Etsy. This was a good incentive for me.
- What would you say makes your shop unique?
The original approach to the creation of my jewelry is making them unique.
I am a self-taught and eclectic artist, who works with a variety of techniques.
My jewelry is a world full of colors of life.
With my jewelry I want to make the world more beautiful and colorful.
I hope you enjoy my creations, as much as I enjoyed creating them!
Please come to my Citrus Cat (www.CitrusCat.etsy.com) store. And get a portion of happiness. :)
What a wonderful interview! You jewelry is lovely, all the best, Aleksa!
So interesting interview!
Amazing works! Bravo, Aleksa!!!!!!!!
love your shop Aleksa!!
Energetic person and bright shop! Like it!
great interview)))
Very interesting! Great works!
Lovely story!
Nice to meet you Aleksa-)
Great interview and such a talanted artists!
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